🔬 Research projects
Deep RL for Human-Robots interactions (Inria Grenoble Alpes)
I am currently working within the RobotLearn team
(former Perception)
from Inria Grenoble.
I am doing my PhD under the supervision of Xavier Alameda-Pineda, Laurent Girin and Chris Reinke.
My PhD project is part of the european SPRING project.
Learn more about the SPRING project in this 🎙️interview (French).
Compound Figure Separation (HES-SO Valais Wallis)
I worked under the supervision of Dr. Henning Müller and Dr. Manfredo Atzori (MedGIFT team) on a computer vision problem with medical applications. The task is part of the european ExaMode project.
My goal was to handle the segmentation of compound figures (figures involving multiple sub-figures) from medical publications. To achieve this, I investigated deep learning state of the art models and adapted them to this problem.
Supervisors: Dr. Henning Müller and Dr. Manfredo Atzori
Manuscript: msc_gaetan_lepage_compfigsep.pdf
Software: https://github.com/GaetanLepage/compound-figure-separator